Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hair Clip Holder

I wanted to share this Hair Clip Organizer I put together for Kat. Bows and Frills and STUFF for the girlie's hair seem to be taking over. And these chicken wire frames seem to be EVERYWHERE on the blog-o-sphere.

What do you think???

The frame is an old one my parents found yard sale-ing when I was little. For the longest time it held a family portrait of my parents and myself...until it retired to storage in my parent's basement. I knew I wanted to try this chicken wire project, but I wasn't finding just the right frame. Then I remembered this beauty!

It was an ugly brown - under a few pounds of dust. So I cleaned it up and spray painted it with primer. My hubby found this green (or as he says "Tinker Bell Green"). It's kind of loud! But it looks great with Kat's Tinker Bell Purple walls!

I clipped the wire to fit the back of the frame. Then I used a staple gun to attach it and pull it tight. Easy Peasy Good To Go!

Now I just need to figure out how to hang it...maybe some cute ribbon?

ps...that's not the Tinker Bell Purple wall I was talking about. I've got the frame propped up on our piano in the living room!


Mary Steinbrink said...

Very cute Amy! I may have to try this. Maybe the munchkin would wear hair stuff if she could pick it out of her own beautiful frame. . .

Cheri said...

What a cute idea! Wish I had little girls to store bows!

Sherri said...

I love this idea, and I love the color green you picked! My girls would love this..we have some ugly frames around here...maybe this could be a fun project?! =)

B.Cheniful said...

HI Amy--this turned out super cute! I want those pinwheel clippies--SO CUTE!