Monday, May 14, 2012

Angry BIRD-Day Party...Take Two!

Here's my second (and final) installment of our 9 year old's Angry Birds Party.

The Cake!

Pretty sad, isn't it??? I usually do a pretty good job (if I do say so myself), but we had some Cake-tastrophes that contributed to our simple and gooey cake: dry & crumbly cakes, cakes stuck to pans, runny frosting (totally blaming the insane humidity on that one). You name went wrong!

But we held our Angry Cake Chins high and plodded on!

The "structure" is made of chocolate wafer cookies. The small stones are CoCo Puffs. I was going to add some Oreo Dirt, but we also had a Blender-tastrophe! And the little figures are right out of the kid's Angry Birds "Knock on Wood" game!

But the Kidlets loved it! And the Grown-ups seemed to like it!

Humid Frosting tasted pretty yummy!

This is my life, Good Bloggy Friends! 
John apparently didn't get the "Crazy Shot" memo!


Jennifer said...

I think the cake looks great! Far better than I do =)

Sue said...

The chocolate wafers are such a GREAT idea for this cake! I know a couple of munchkins that would be thrilled if I made a cake like this!